Oct. 22 in the movie history

Oct. 22 is a birthday of:

Joan Fountaine – the star of Hitchcock movies “Rebecca” (co-starring Laurence Olivier) and “Suspicion” (co-starring Cary Grant) and younger sister of the Hollywood star Olivia de Havilland. A chance encounter with the producer David Selznick, who was in the process of selecting a female lead for the movie after Daphne de Maurier’s book, had led to Joan Fountaine’s selection for the main role in the movie. The film was a huge success and brought Joan Fountaine a nomination for the Academy award

My review of “Meet the Fockers” on Amazon.com

“Meet the Fockers” had a big promise of great fun for me – I’ve liked the first movie, Meet the Parents, quite a lot. Meet the Fockers is about Pam’s parents finally meeting the future in-laws – an event Greg clearly is very nervous about. Things start rather smoothly, even as Pam and Greg get to the Byrneses house, where Jack is happily engaged in the grand-parenting business – a bit obsessively as is a custom with him, with Little Jack (or L.J. for short) as the object of his child-raising experiments, but then they very quickly get on a bumpy road. The main problem is the Fockers are

Oct 20 in the movie history

Oct 20 is a birthday of:

Viggo Mortensen, an actor, who had a rather long history of supporting roles in the movies of famous directors like Peter Weir, Tony and Ridley Scott, Jane Campion – and was a relatively well-known name in the movies, until he’s been chosen for the role of

Oct. 18 in the movie history

Oct. 18 is a birthday of :

My favourite TV actor Peter Boyle (1935). He had a relatively successful movie career since 1970 (though he played supporting roles practically in every movie he’s made). However, he’s more

Oct. 15 in the movie history

Oct. 15, 1940 first release of a great political satire film, The Great Dictator, – directed and played by the greatest movie comedian of all times, Charlie Chaplin. The movie presented the first and on of the rarest in its ruthlessness political satire on a dictatorship,